Below are The Unofficial Global Partner of Youth@Media and the links to their website:
Check out TakingITGlobal -- it's an online community for people who want to make a difference
in the world. Get inspired, informed, and involved through a variety of interactive and informative features. Visit the site and see!
The 2002 campaign included a televised panel discussion at the International
AIDS Conference, major concerts, PSAs, a new Staying Alive documentary (premiering on World AIDS Day) and the launch of this
new website.
A partnership between MTV Networks International, YouthNet spearheaded by Family Health International,
and the Kaiser Family Foundation. For more information, feel free to visit the site!

46664 is Mr. Mandela Prison number. The number is represent the
symbolic spirit of Mr. Mandela To Stop Global AIDS. The result was 46664, a global initiative that has brought
together the leading music icons of our time to spread the message "Give 1 Minute of Your Life To Stop AIDS". For more, visit
the site!

OneWorld is the world's favourite
and fastest-growing civil society network online, supporting peoples media to help build a more just global society.
For more, visit the site!