Da' Schizo ------A New Era For The Voices Of Youths!!! APRIL 2004 Edition
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The Youths Voice!!
The Youths Voice!!!--- Did You Know?
The Youths Voice------ Volunteery
The Youths Voice---- Testimonial!!
The Youths Voice---- The People Behind Us!!!
Big Bang Barrell!!!!
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Phat Issues!!!

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If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" ............
1) Your mail must be well written.
2) No x rated content allowed.
3) Your language must be easy to understand.
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5) Must be informative.

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If you send me your e-mail address, I'll let you know when there are new postings or when I publish a new edition. That way you can always stay up to date! Or you can join my web blog...just feel free to drop by and give comments on this E-Zine!!------@  https://peer-educator.tripod.com/blog

Hope you will mail me!!!

Here I'll include a list of issues I'd like writers and artists who want to contribute to Da' Schizo to keep in mind. For example, I might include:
Just Log on to my partner...http://www.xfresh.com for teen and Youth rights..and also informative content about youth and current issues!!

The type of content I'm looking for ( reviews, articles about children and youth, photos, and so on)
A suggested length for articles must be at least 400 characters.
The format in which I'd like to have articles (HTML, text files) or pictures (.JPG, .GIF,either)
My policy on rights (this is an educative site...so you are allowed to reprint the articles, but must keep it original)
Hope you all not use the articles to sabotage, discriminate others. The Author/Developer does not have any liability on the damage or any information loose during the visited time on this site.

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